Saturday, October 9, 2010

Future Video Ideas

So i'v been trying to decide if it's time to give even more to my subscribers/viewers on youtube. I'v had a couple of people present the idea of me doing commentary on top of video clips to help explain why i do what i do. Not just point out the obvious stuff, but go more into detail about my setup. How to keybind, what to keybind, when to use certain abilities.  I can pretty much agree that it would help people (especially newer players) but the problem i run into is that Lich King is almost over.  We got less than two months before Cataclysm hits. Any strats i present will be obsolete and would just end up causing confusion and wasted effort.  So it seems i have some time to get your feedback/ideas for future videos. Just send me a message on youtube or you can hit me up on here if you have an account.
Best regards, Dylan


  1. We will have almost two months with the new most of the new abilities before the expansion. I've been on the PTR and for me getting used to what each talent does in relation to other talents is a bit confusing. For instance. Impact is cool, but you have to remember to put as many dots on your target as possible for it to work optimally. I have a knee jerk reaction to procs. Something procs, do it immediately. Remembering that all the fire spells have a 40 yd range, should you take the talent that puts winter chill on two extra targets or is that better used somewhere else, is cautarize worth it or is it better to put those points somewhere else. Spamming mana shield to stay alive is gone, etc... I'd like to see some videos that go over the way we used to do things and the way we need to do them now.

  2. That's definitely a good idea for a video. I will of course need to study the new abilities as you have. The expansion launches on 12/07/10 Hopefully they give us some time. Thanks for your feedback mgjr.
